
Q4 Stop the Pirates Creative Commons

7. Be Legal & Fair

C. Create Your Creative Commons to license your work.

You can select the license rules about how others can use your work.

Watch the video below from Wikimedia to learn more about Creative Commons.

What is Creative Commons? (1:23)

Use Creative to create a license for your poster or other work you created recently. 

If you are new to Creative Commons, click on Share Your Work and choose Get Started to learn more.

When you are ready to create your license, visit: Choose your terms

  • Begin making your selections; the panels will change as you choose the appropriate license. (Allow adaptations by others? Where might someone else make $ from your creation for commercial use?)
    example for NonCommercial-ShareAlike
    Image of Creative Commons license for attributions: noncommercial, share alike 4.0 international culture license. (screenshot of the image created)
  • Select the text option to "help others attribute you!" and fill in the information (title of the work, name to attribute it to such as first name last initial, URL if you have posted your work online, and type of file format.
  • If you want to let anyone use your work in any way they want, you can license it as Public Domain or CCO icon for public domain image licenses license it.

Your teacher may have some suggestions for you at this point for posting, turning in, and/or sharing your work.

MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

2. Digital Citizen
b. Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices
c. demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property