Q1 Managing Your Footprint: Your Data
Questions to Consider:
- How many hours do you think you spend on screens each day?
- What types of activities do you mostly do during that time?
- Does your Digital Footprint reflect your screen time?
Part Two: Collecting Your Data: Homework
Think about the Footprint image you just created in Part One on the “Your Footprint page.” In the image, you identified the top 10 online sites you visit the most. In this activity, you will collect data on how you use your screen time.
Download or make a copy of this Daily Media Use Log to use.
Step 1: Print out page 2 of the log to carry and complete, or download it to a device you carry, so that you can track your screen time and type of use. Write in the number of minutes you spend on each activity during a day for seven days.
Step 2: Add up your total number of minutes in each column. You will use this information for Part Three: The Report.
Part Three: Report- Special Note (Check with your teacher about presenting your report)
Step 1: Once your media use is totaled, visit this Create a Graph site to graph your data. Use this 5.Q1 Your Data Graphing Tips (PDF) as a guide for creating your first graph of the data (example of a completed bar graph below).
Step 2: Complete the graph, preview it, print it as a PDF or .png image, or take a screenshot. Stay on the page with your data for the next step!
Step 3: Compare two types of Graphs: Return to the Design Tab, select the Line Graph (select OK from the pop-up), and Preview and print as done previously as PDF, image, or screenshot. Which type of graph do you feel represents your data best?
Step 4: Turn to a shoulder-partner or classmate and discuss the following:
- Any surprises about your results from the data or how you each spend screen time.
- Are there some concerns you have about the impact of screen time on your life such as: school work, amount of sleep, health, social interactions with family or others)?
- Do your screen time activities and Digital Footprint align with the identity you want others to see and the kind of person you are?
- Is there one insight or change you each might consider making?
Step 5: What IF class discussion or short writing assignment: What would your life be like if you lost all cellular and internet access for a day, month, or year?
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and
2. Digital Citizen
a. Cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world
b. Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using using technology
d. Manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security
7. Global Collaborator
c. Contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal
Websites and Documents
Videos from Outside Sources
- Digital Footprint & Privacy YouTube (2:39 mins)
- Is this Keanu account a deepfake?/Is this legit? YouTube (4:17)
- Your Digital Footprint YouTube (3:21 mins)
21t4s Videos
21t4s Documents, Quizzes & Surveys